Friday, August 6, 2010

So Sleepy

Well, a billion things have happened since my last post.
1) The dryer set the fire alarm off
2) The washer leaked all over the carpet
3) Henry fixed above problems
4) We got a dog! Her name is Kit-Kat. She is great and super low maintinance (behavior wise... physically speaking, she sheds like no dog I have ever seen) and cute and snuggly. Everything you could want in a 20lb package.
5) I got a part time job in the plant pathology lab sifting nematodes! They needed help and I had the time. Probably the most random two week job I have ever and will ever participate in.
6-999,999,999) Eat, breathe, heart beat, sleep, etc.
1,000,000,000) The doctor doubled up my beta blockers yesterday so I'm super sleepy. It took me two weeks to get used to the last dose so I anticipate an equally long period of adjustment. Yay for fewer headaches though. I'll take a nap over a migraine any day. (Being so sleepy does complicate things though... like productivity.)