Thursday, June 17, 2010

This is a blog written out of rage. Lots of rage.
A facebook friend of mine posted this video today: For those of you who don't have time to listen, it is a sound clip of Richard C. Hoagland on Coast to Coast warning cities near the gulf of the sure doom and destruction to be brought forth by the bursting of a 22 mile wide gas bubble under the ocean. Thats serious news, or as some would say, breaking news. Since this was the first we had heard of said potential catastrophe, Henry asked me to pull up the wiki page on Mr. Hoagland. As it turns out, Mr. Hoagland has many many ideas on many many things. For instance, he believes that the Obama administration will soon release information pertaining to the discovery of life on Mars. He also posits that we are in the middle of an interplanetary war occurring in Earth's orbit. Plug that link into your browser for more of his outrageous assertions (like semi-transparent structures all over the moon which we have never heard reported because all of the astronauts have been hypnotized to forget). Henry and I had a good laugh and then decided to ease this persons mind by sharing our research. This is what we decided to say: "I dont think this is anything to worry about. I was nervous, but then I looked him up. He believes the Obama administration will soon release information about life on mars. He also believes we are in the middle of an interplanetary war within Earth's orbit. No other news agency seems to be reporting this bubble." We also included a link to his wiki. It seemed tactful and friendly -- we were commenting to ease her mind and the minds of others who visit her facebook. No breaking news. The gulf is full of oil, but not about to violently erupt and take out the whole coast. Good news right? Wrong. This is the response we got: You can't invalidate something because Fox News and CNN don't run it. Um.... What????? This wasn't a political argument. The right wing didn't report it, sure, but neither did the left! ALIENS! INTERPLANETARY WARS! HE THINKS HUMANS ARE THE DESCENDANTS OF BEINGS HAVING LIVED ON MARS! HE HAS ZERO, ZILTCH, NO SCIENTIFIC CREDIBILITY. This was not a political argument. I am getting pretty frustrated that every issue must be argued as if political affiliation changes fact. I probably should not get started on global warming, but I think I will touch on it a bit. The data on climate change does not care if you are a Democrat or a Republican. Holding allegiance to one party or the other is not going to rebuild the ozone layer. Let the Geologists be your source of information- you know, the people with the degree and credentials.

Aug, I was really put off by this "friend" for being so defensive. Henry and I both tried very hard to write a comment that was not politically charged or pride wounding. I hope she takes the time to research his claims.

I chose to blog instead of comment back. It would have been ugly. I did type it though, for my own benefit. This is kind of how it went: WHAT??? DID YOU MISS THE ALIENS??? THE INTERPLANETARY WAR??? THIS COMMENT WAS NOT MOTIVATED BY POLITICAL AFFILIATION!!! DID YOU EVEN CHECK THAT LINK??? REALLY??????

Anyway. If you see someone freaking out about a gas bubble exploding, maybe you can find the right words to not get your head bitten off. Maybe this quote from a comment on the video will help: "He is nuttier than a fruitcake!"

I think I might de-friend this person. Clearly she does not know me.

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