Thursday, May 20, 2010


This week has been busy! I have been writing/doing so much for work which is so great, I love the responsibility and the opportunity (even if I do fail and everything has to be completely revised, I have already learned so much it's worth the fail.). I have also gone swimming nearly everyday! I think swimming helps my mojo. Whatever that is. I just feel better, active. It does not do much for my back though, Henry's hands are probably going to fall off if I ask him to rub it one more time. The Sanderson needs a hot tub/steam room.

This weekend is also full of plans:
* Dinner with Henry's boss (I'm doing the wife thing and making a pie)
* Trip to see Christian graduate with her Masters degree! (With a 4.0!)
* Trip to see Henry's dad, stepmom, and sisters!

I think next week is going to be just as busy. I'll be finishing the same stuff at work, we are going to another graduation, and we leave for camp that weekend! I am so pumped about the trip (even if I do sleep through most of it).

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