Sunday, May 16, 2010


If I didn't already believe in a divine power, tonight would have sealed the deal/rocked my world. Seeing as I already believe in God and His amazing and amazingly hilarious ways, I just had to laugh. Henry, Kaci, and I signed a lease not too long ago for next semester for the apartment complex Henry lived in last year. If that wasn't representative of how small the world is, just wait. We got our apt. assignment this weekend. It is for the EXACT same apartment. We drove by to make certain. That particular apartment has a rich, long history and I couldn't be more excited to move back in. Now it seems so silly to have round up all the keys and turned them in to only get them back again.

In other, completely unrelated news, I downloaded the Methodist Church app for the itouch. I'm anxious to see if it is awesome/informative or a bust.

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