Friday, May 14, 2010


I don't want to whine. Lie. I do want to whine. It's my blog and I will do what I want.
I am tired of having the shakes and a headache. It was so bad today I thought I would rip my toenails off for a distraction. My friend in lab suggested I go get some lunch. Lunch? What's lunch? I've been waking up at noon and eating breakfast so I just called it breakfast/lunch and then would eat dinner a million hours later. Duh! I'm hungry! I ate chick-fil-a and drank an absurd amount of water and then felt better! Not perfect, but not like I was going to pull my own toenails out. The shakes, however, did not go away. Frustrating. Anyway, I'm glad for the relief.

I feel like today is a two blogger day. I'll blog upbeat stuff later.

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