Thursday, May 27, 2010


Today was such a great day. I found the elusive ball and managed to get on it long enough to churn out a good bit of work. After that triumph, I of course went swimming. That was a lot harder today than it usually is. I'm not sure what was up with that. Anywho, the best part of the day came next. Henry and I got to cook dinner for our friends! Turns out, we love entertaining. Having company over was so great; I hope this happens more often. It was so nice to have a full table and use "the big plates" (As it turns out, they are so big they don't fit on our drying rack. Ha. Maybe we wont use those next time).

I have no segue for this, but orchids are not easy plants. I have had two for a week now and have been super concerned about them. They are so finicky! Too close to the sun, they burn (as in for-real-turn-black burn), too far away and they wilt. Too much water, the roots rot, not enough and they wither. Turn them in a new orientation, they 'stress' (I'm not sure what that looks like, but I'll let you know when it happens). You also aren't supposed to get the leaves wet (again, no clue what happens if you do). I'm lucky to have found a friend to nurse them while I am at camp next week. One of them is supposed to bloom soon so I really hope I'm doing things right.

There is also no segue for the following topic: weekday vegetarians. This guy will explain. Henry and I have been discussing trying this. I was a vegetarian for 40 days and kind of liked it. I felt pretty good and our grocery bill was definitely cheaper. I think I will try this after camp.

Thanks for making it to the end of a really random blog. : )

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