Thursday, May 6, 2010

Oatmeal and R,P,S

So I titled my blog "Married life and other giongs on" because I really wanted a themed blog. If Henry had let me buy that cupcake book at Books-A-Million, you would be seeing a picture of an amazing duck cupcake... or one that looks like fried rice. With that said, I picked married life as a theme but clearly am not sticking to that. No change today, still no words of wisdom or lessons learned from married life. (Other than the realization that cleaning to the kitchen means staking the dishes in the sink in some sort of tetris inspired masterpiece so the counters look clean. In his defense, I don't let him actually do the dishes... he misses stuff. Lots of stuff. But I still love him.) I also learned that oatmeal really will turn into cement if you leave it. Oops.

Other news: Rock, Paper, Scissors is so a biblical way to make tough decisions. Its how Matthias replaced Judas as the twelfth disciple. Ok, so Acts chapter 1 really says "cast lots", but thats close to flipping a coin which is one step away from rock, paper, scissors. Its not really that far of a stretch.

Awww, walk down memory lane: Before Henry and I started dating, he played R,P,S with the other band mates to see if he should date me. Who knew that game would change our life : ) Interesting tid bit, he lost the first time and demanded they play two out of three.... clearly he wanted to date me. : )

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